Presenting Sponsor

Veritex Community Bank

Community Sponsors:


The Spirit Golf Association - Whispering Pines Golf Club

Fin Ewing Family

2024 Gathering of Eagles Celebration


Alamo City Golf Trail - Lonestar CMAA - Lonestar GCSA -

Northern Texas PGA - Southern Texas PGA - Texas Golf Association


Group 1 Automotive - Sterling McCall


Booker Family Foundation - Hannon Society - Houston Country Club

Preston Trail Golf Club - Royal Oaks Country Club


Brent Buckman - Billy Cavender - Driftwood Golf & Ranch Club - Jim Edgeworth - Malcolm Holland - Dan Matheson - Randy Mayo - Mike Ray - Southern Texas GCSA - D.A. Weibring

Auction Supporters

Fin Ewing - Patrick Gonzalez - Jimbo Cotton - Mark Griege - Gary Grissom - Mark Harrison - Mark Linehan - Chris McMahan - Mark Murray - Henry Noey - Northern Texas PGA Foundation

Auction Donors:

Barney Adams - Stacy Dennis - Cameron Doan - Alli Jarrett - David Marr III - Blaine McCallister - Pat McMahan - Delia Nava - Omni Houston - Total Wine & More -Oaks Hills Country Club - Punta Mita Resort-QuestroGolf - Tropicana Tapestry - Texas Mutual - Bill Rogers - Loren Singletary - Randy Smith - Jimmy Walker

Circle of Eagles Donors:

Eagle Alliance

Astros Golf Foundation

Booker Family Foundation

Cavender Auto Group

Billy Cavender

Reid and Ann Meyers

Marty Leonard

Hawk Society

Bruce Agness

Bobby Baugh

Jack Gaudion

Dan and Jane Matheson

Stacy Dennis

Karin Farquhar

John Grace

Titus Harris

Ed Hodnett

Alli Jarrett

Gordon Johnson

Mickey Jones

David Marr III

Randy Mayo

Blaine McCallister

Pat McMahan

Greg Merserole

Hew Pate

Will Penland

Gordon Wagner

D.A. and Kristy Weibring

Falcon Club

Sam Brewster

Jessica and Gary Durbin

Ryan George

Jeffrey Gershenwald

David Price

Chris Meadows

George Richardson

Loren Singletary

Johnny Walker


John Dowdell

John Ellett

Bill Fisher

Bart Goodwin

Jeff Hansen

Doug Harker

Thomas Hutton

Trevor Hyde

Andy Hydorn

Tony Jarrett

Bob Kearney

Curt Kelley

Delia Nava

Kevin Nelson

Preston McClellan

Jake McCullough

Rita Meyers

Mart Martindale

Mike Puhls

Steve Suhey

Steve Timms

Frances Trimble

Scott Wilson

Andrew Witacre

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Texas Golf Hall of Fame

Anchor Physical Addresses:
2315 Avenue B
San Antonio, TX 78215

16124 Championship Drive
Frisco, TX 75033

Mailing Address:
448 West 19th Street, Suite #1082
Houston, TX 77008

Phone Number:

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